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Wine Tasting
arrow_tiitle 品嚐好酒

1. 品嚐的方法
  • See : Tilt glass at 45 degree angle against a white background
  • Sniff : Swirl, then put your nose inside rim of glass and take 2-3 sharp sniffs to smell aromas
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2. 品嚐記錄表
  • See Circle the best description for your wine in each category
  • Sniff Circle the aromas you detect in your wine
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3. 醒酒的效果
品酒課上常有學生問到:「紅酒需要醒嗎?應該醒多久?」這是個好問題,許多專家都有不同的見解。有人認為,紅酒開瓶後應先保持瓶身直立讓空氣進入,等候香氣散發、單寧柔化,此謂瓶中醒酒。也有人說 ....
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4. 酒的評分及其影響
目前對消費者與酒商影響最大的評分系統有 Wine Spectator 雜誌及 Wine Advocates 雜誌 (該雜誌主要評分者是鼎鼎大名的 Robert Parker), 本文將介紹其評分方式與其影響.....
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